Judicaria Eco Festival

Piazza Cesare Battisti, Tione di Trento
Judicaria Eco Festival title=

Market of typical products, tastings, children's entertainment and a programme full of informative moments.


8.30am Superpark: excursion to Malga Cengledino with Vincenzo Venuto, biologist, science popularizer, author and TV presenter of Melaverde. Booking online or at the Azienda per il Turismo.

9.00am: Piazza Cesare Battisti - festival opening.

From 9.00am to 7.00pm:
- Viale dei Sapori: Farmers' Market and stands by local artisans, farmers and associations. 
- Viale dei Sapori: Mycological exhibition and edibility check of mushrooms. Bring your collected mushrooms, the expert will assess them! Organised by the Don Giovanni Corradi mycological group.
- Viale dei Sapori: Seed exhibition.

From 10.00pm to 5.00pm:
- Viale dei Sapori: ‘Park without borders’. Immersive experiences with visors in the Adamello Brenta Geopark.
- Viale dei Sapori: Escape Room Red Cross Stand: play, discover and prevent.
- Piazza dei Giochi: workshops, entertainment, treasure hunt for children organised by Incontra.
- Piazza dei Giochi: ‘La Pompierissima’, a skills course for children. Organised by the Tione di Trento Fire Brigade.

10.00am - Piazza del Gusto: drawing of winning ‘Lottery for Judicaria Eco Festival’ tickets. 

10.30am - Piazza dei Giochi: exhibition of search dogs. Organised by the Guardia di Finanza - Tione station dog team.

11.00am - Salotto degli esperti: free talk ‘Vivere in verticale: il mio rapporto con la montagna’ (Living vertically: my relationship with the mountains) with mountaineer Sergio Martini. Event aimed especially at all mountain lovers.

12.30pm - Piazza del Gusto: polenta carbonera and capuc' lunch. Organised by the Alpini e Fanti group of Tione di Trento. Fee paying.

3.00pm - Salotto degli esperti: free talk ‘L'agricoltura di montagna’. How some virtuous realities are coping with climate change. With Vincenzo Venuto, biologist, science popularizer, author and television host of Melaverde.

4.00pm - Piazza dei Giochi: exhibition of search dogs. Organised by the Carabinieri - Laives Dog Unit. 

4.30pm - Piazza dei Giochi: snack with local products.
5.00pm - Piazza del Gusto: aperitif in music with local products and the notes of The Bears Blue Trio.

7.00pm: closing of stands and event.

The list of exhibitors will soon be available.

Free entry.

The event has the essential conditions to allow any person to access and enjoy it independently.

Free parking spaces nearby.

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