The pro loco of Sella Giudicarie awaits the masqueraders to celebrate carnival together.
1.30pm: meeting point for floats (Zona industriale di Roncone).
2.30pm: start of the parade from Via 3 Novembre (Fire Station).
3.00pm: exhibition of floats and masked groups.
From 4.30pm: entertainment with DJ Mighe.
4.45pm: awarding of the most beautiful masquerade.
5.00pm: polenta carbonera for everyone.
6.00pm: award ceremony for masked groups
From 7.00pm: the party continues at Albergo Miramonti - La Pozza.
9.00pm: prize-giving for the floats at Albergo Miramonti - La Pozza.
Free afternoon entrance.
Polenta for a fee. Single charge €5.00.
The event has the essential conditions to allow any person to access and enjoy it independently.
In the event of bad weather, the event will be postponed to Sunday 9 March.
Free parking spaces in the vicinity.