Fully accessible hike from Patascoss to Nambino

Fully Accessible Hike From Patascoss To Nambino title=

Trail B06 from Patascoss to Lake Nambino is now fully accessible, open to everyone and able to meet the needs of the disabled. Just above Madonna di Campiglio, it is one of the most evocative corners of Trentino.

The trail starts in the area of Patascoss and is maintained by the Adamello-Brenta Nature Park. Parking is available at Patascoss, but it can also be reached by way of the gondola lift at the Colarin station in Campiglio. The trail that heads out from Patascoss, itself a popular spot for an outing, leads to the lake along a false flat, but it used to be a gravel road that was difficult for people with physical disabilities to use.

The lake also serves as a starting point for a great many outings, including the popular 5 Lakes circuit, so named because it takes you to Ritorto, Lambin, Serodoli, Gelato and Nambino lakes.

Set off lightly, enjoy this magnificent walk in our woods in safety, surrounded by nature.

Fully Accessible Hike From Patascoss To Nambino

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