Hiking Suoni delle Dolomiti - Camp Centener

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Excursion with Trentino mountain guides for the Sounds of the Dolomites of September 22nd, 2024

Music and nature at unison

Sunday September 22nd, 12.00 p.m.

Concert with Sarah Willis & The Sarahbanda Mozart y Mambo at Camp Centener.

Mozart and Cuban music together in an irresistible mix of notes and colours 
The Sarahbanda: a singular name somewhat like the music played by classical cornetist Sarah Willis, who in 2001 became the first female member of the brass section of the prestigious Berliner Philhamoniker, of which she is now first horn, and a group of Cuban musicians inextricably linked to the sounds, rhythms and colours of one of the most musical islands in the world. A tireless ambassador of her instrument, the French horn, Sarah Willis travelled to Cuba to hold a masterclass. The music and musicians she met had such an enormous impact on her that she started the Mozart Y Mambo project, an original mix of the great Austrian composer's music and traditional Cuban music. Thus was born The Sarahbanda, a chamber version of the project, which will see some of the best exponents of the Cuban scene join her in the Dolomites for a concert with unique characteristics hosted at Camp Centener above Madonna di Campiglio, an expanse of pastures belonging to the ancient Regola di Spinale-Manèz open onto the beauty of the Brenta Dolomites.   

Book from 15 €

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