Local facilities

Here you can find the up-to-date situation on which services are open: bars, restaurants, mountain huts, sporting facilities and much more. 

During some periods of the year, not all facilities may be open. Check here to find out which services are open, mass times, and other information that varies with the seasons.

Key: Open Open
Open Rest areas and car parks in Valle del Chiese

Location of the main rest areas and car parks in Valle del Chiese

Open RV parking areas in Valle del Chiese

The authorized parking areas for campers in Valle del Chiese

Open Public libraries and reading points

Public libraries and reading points in Val Rendena, Giudicarie Centrali an Valle del Chiese.

Open Trauma center Campiglio

APSS Orthopedic/Trauma first aid clinic in Madonna di Campiglio

Open Val Rendena Churches

Opening hours and dayy of the honly churches

Open Dolomiten Medical Clinic

Trauma centre located in Madonna di Campiglio in Via Cima Tosa, 64

Open Pharmacies

Location and opening hours of pharmacies from Madonna di Campiglio to Storo

Open Lifts office

Timetables, costs and operating program of the cable cars of the Campiglio Dolomiti di Brenta ski area

Open Medical Service

Medical Service for italian and foreign tourists in Pinzolo and in Madonna di Campiglio from 07.12.24 to 21.04.25

Open Holy Masses in Madonna di Campiglio and Val Rendena

Hours of Holy Masses in Madonna di Campiglio and in Val Rendena

Open Holy Masses in Valle del Chiese

Hours of Holy Masses in the towns of the Valle del Chiese

Open Nearest hospitals

Nearest hospitals

Open Parking areas in Madonna di Campiglio

Parking and rates of the main rest areas in Madonna di Campiglio

Open Pro Loco

Contact of the Pro Loco offices of Val Rendena, the Giudicarie Centrali and the Valle del Chiese

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