Play bowls
Bowling courts in Pinzolo
Almost every town in Val Rendena has a bowling court: after all, the game of bowls was once the preferred pastime of many guests and residents of the valley. The largest bowls centre is in Pinzolo, but there are also bowling courts in Carisolo, Caderzone, Strembo, Spiazzo Rendena, Bocenago, Javrè and Vigo Rendena.
Discover moreSesena bowling court
The Sesena indoor bowling court is a modern complex with lots of spectator stands and bars.
Discover moreBowling in Valle del Chiese
There is no shortage of bowling courts in the Valle del Chiese either: 3 courts including indoor and outdoor types can be found in the municipalities of Sella Giudicarie and Storo. The indoor courts are open all year round and have on-site facilities. It is advisable to check availability in advance.
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