Sarca River, Nambino branch
Madonna di Campiglio / Piana di Nambino
The beauty of this waterway and the shapes it creates are great for photography and are just a few minutes from Madonna di Campiglio. The Sarca river, which flows out of the lake of the same name, is one of the most interesting spots for creative water photos and features a series of falls and rapids right alongside the trail that are ideal for creating magical photo effects.
TUR | QP 1,620m (5,315 ft) | QA 1,770m (5,810 ft)
At about its midpoint, the Nambino branch of the Sarca river laps up against the trail that runs from the plain of the same name (where there is a shuttle bus stop during the tourist season) to the lake. At the first and second right-hand switchbacks, a few minutes after entering the dense forest, to your left you will see massive boulders in the roaring river creating their own series of lovely little falls and rapids, which are a great subject for photography buffs to practice their craft. You will find small areas alongside the river where you can get a good vantage point for some stunning shots.
After this first photo opportunity, you may continue up towards Lake Nambino. After about 15 minutes, just before the end of the trail and nearly in view of the lake, on your left you will see another beautiful waterfall nestled in nature. Leaving the trail, you can move closer to the fall (be careful not to slip on the wet rock), where there is a natural vantage point from which to photograph this lovely scene.
Spring and autumn in particular, but we recommend late spring during the thaw to experience the falls in their full splendor.
Better early or late in the day, because the midday sun (from 11 AM to 4 PM) shines directly on the water and creates significant challenges of burnout and overexposure.
ND filters and tripod for long exposures (silk effect).
TUR = Touristic trail | ESC = Hiking trail | EE = Hiking trail for experts | T = time | QP = starting altitude | QA = arrival altitude