An itinerary of intermediate difficulty suited to families with younger children. Gain altitude quickly with the lift system for a majestic view of the Adamello-Presanella glaciers.
This mid-altitude outing offers an enchanting view of the Adamello-Presanella mountain range.
This physically exerting, but not particularly difficult itinerary runs along well-beaten, well-marked trails and is recommended for families with children aged 6 to 8. Here, you are likely to hear the call of the marmot and, if you’re lucky, even see a group of these rodents, which often come out of their dens to enjoy the sun or search for food.The ascent via lift and the amazing view make this a lovely, relaxing outing for an alpine picnic.
Be sure to bring a camera! The vast fields with spectacular views of the Adamello-Presanella range are great spots for a picnic with the whole family.