
All is changed: seasons, places, experiences.

Big changes and important anniversariesAs we look forward to the arrival of winter with the sense of anticipation that hangs in the air whenever holidays approach, all is changing in preparation for the snowy season. Some changes are nothing short of transformative, like the new Doss del Sabion project in Pinzolo, which is writing a story that combines architecture, the landscape, nature, culture, and a sense of beauty. 
#CampiglIO15 marks milestone anniversaries: the 70th edition of the 3Tre, 100 years of golf in Madonna di Campiglio, and the 71st birthday of Trentino’s Mountain and Cave Rescue Service.

Ancient and new artsIt platforms artists and original experiences in the world of art, which celebrate the territory and nurture it with beauty. It introduces the new stars of our local haute cuisine scene, as it has done in previous issues and will continue to do in the future. It welcomes readers into the homes of the lace-makers of Val Rendena, whose focus on the future and passion for original inspirations for their craft belies the supposedly static nature of tradition. And finally, it explores how the ancient charcoal piles of Bondone are still lit on special occasions, to keep the fires of memory alive.

As we wait for the first snows to fall, enjoy the read, and enjoy your winter. 

Bleiben Sie dran, Stay tuned!

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