Paolo Pangrazzi

Paolo Pangrazzi title=

Paolo Pangrazzi, the alpine skiing champion of Campiglio

Paolo Pangrazzi: 28 years, from Madonna di Campiglio, champion of alpine skiing, in the branches of downhill skiing, Super G and supercombined. In 2010, he won in the supercombined in the Europa Cup Sarntal-Reinswald and he got the second position in the race of  Patscherkofel, which earned him the convocation World Championships in Garmisch in 2011, where he gained the best result of his career with the 6th position in the downhill skiing.

In 2013 he got the title of Italian downhill Champion and continued to get good results in the Europa Cup, such as the third placement in the supercombined in the season 2014-15 and, in the season 2016, the first position in combined and the third in the downhill skiing in Sarntal. In the season 2016-17 he is the first Italian athlete to get the combined in Wengen (in the 13th position), a race where only three Italians got the finish line of the race.
Team: Fiamme oro Moena.

Proudly supported in the season 2016/2017 by the Official Tourism Board of Madonna di Campiglio Pinzolo Val Rendena.


Paolo Pangrazzi closes down his sport career after the winter season 2016-17 getting in total, beyond his participation in the World Championships in Garmisch, 34 start in the World Cup and 127 in the Europa Cup with 5 podium and 2 wins.

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