SuperPark, auteur visions

SuperPark, Auteur Visions title=

Sustainable Cinema and Excursions with Exceptional Guests

The initiative, now in its 5th edition, consists of a film festival featuring the screening of 11 "Zero Impact" films under the stars (4 appointments in our area) and 7 excursions accompanied by Exceptional Guests, 3 of which in our area.

The Adamello Brenta Natural Park Project was born from the concept of active protection of the territory, proposing initiatives that go beyond the conservation of the territory, with a view to enhancing and raising awareness both with regard to those who live outside the Park's borders and those who live within the protected area.

"IMPACT O" CINEMA under the stars:

An innovative form of film projection, developed by "Cinema du Desert", in which the forest is the setting for projections that immerse themselves and intertwine with nature, without disturbing it: the projections, with environmental, social and cultural themes, are powered by sunlight and silent thanks to the use of headphones.

The main innovative element of the 2024 event is the involvement of CicloCinema for some of the scheduled screenings. This is an innovative and sustainable project, combining a passion for cinema and cycling in a single initiative. It is carried out by a group of young Trentino enthusiasts, who transport all the necessary equipment for the eco-sustainable screenings on the luggage racks of their bicycles. The bikes themselves are mounted on special cycle-generators and the public is actively involved in the project: it is in fact the spectators' task to pedal to generate the energy needed to power the projection.



Accompanied by "special guests" from the worlds of culture, science, literature, and art, they illustrate the landscape with unprecedented reading profiles and offer new insights into the environment.



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