From Madonna di Campiglio and the Val Rendena to the Giudicarie Centrali to the Valle del Chiese, discover all the itineraries suitable for your bike.
Maps and routes
Campiglio maps and routes
Campiglio Val di Sole Bikeland is the largest in Italy. In this section you’ll find the main cross country and enduro routes in the Madonna di Campiglio and Val di Sole bike area. Check out easier routes and paths that are suitable for families too, such as the cycle paths, in the relevant sections. Happy cycling everyone!
Discover moreMtb and eBike routes in the Val delle Giudicarie
Exploring the Val Giudicarie by bike means cycling along asphalt, dirt and forest roads, cycle paths and old country roads in a continuous succession of different views and terrains with the opportunity to appreciate the traditional hospitality of the mountain’s inhabitants in the malghe and baite (mountain cottages and huts), in the shelters and masi (farmsteads).
Discover moreMTB routes in Valle del Chiese
From the trails to the dirt roads, from the valley floor to the forests and the most challenging high mountain MTB routes and mountain hut tours. If you’re exploring the Valle del Chiese by bike, there are a few things you just can’t miss: a trip to Valle di Daone or Val di Fumo, the world-famous “Giro dell'orizzonte”, and a cycle ride up to Cima Tombea with a view that sweeps from the Brenta Dolomites to Lake Idro and Lake Garda.
Your travel guide helping you decide where to stay, where to eat, how to get there, how to get about and what to do, plus information on cards and local services.