In Spiazzo Rendena and Condino you can swim all year round. The pools are indoors and the children's pools are heated. The Condino indoor temperature is a constant 29C° and there is also a heated outdoor swimming pool. Also discover the Borgo della Salute swimming pool in Caderzone Terme.
Indoor pools
Condino water park
A little water park that caters for young and old alike. Here you can have fun and relax in a well-kept, warm and inviting environment that offers indoor and outdoor pools, slides, a garden and wellness centre.
Discover moreSwimming pool in Spiazzo
In the heart of Val Rendena, the public swimming pool of Spiazzo offers 2 indoor pools, one of which, with low and heated water and a small slide, is suitable for children.
Discover moreIndoor pool in Caderzone Terme
Small indoor pool particularly suitable for families with small children inside the Borgo della Salute in Caderzone Terme.
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