This extremely long and challenging stage never eases up: from the very first steps surrounded by Adamello granite, all the way to the last on the limestone of Monte Corona, as the Dolomites make their first appearance on this adventure. Highlights are the Frate Pass, with its stone column in the shape of a monk (or gendarme), and the peak of Monte Corona, with its limitless view.
A stage of almost 30 km that leads to the village of Lardaro.
From the Trivena refuge we descend to the 1,232 m of Ponte Pianone, from where we ascend the Valle d'Arnò valley following trail marker 262. The Sentiero della Pace (Path of Peace) passes malga Casina Nuova, malga d'Arnò (1,558 m), malga Margiassone (1,718 m), malga Pozze and then reaches Passo del Frate (2,248 m), where numerous remains of military works and the ruins of the cableway that climbed the valle d'Arnò can still be seen. From the Passo del Frate, on friable and, in places, equipped terrain, we ascend to the 2,509 m of Monte Corona. From here, the trail continues along the ridge, slowly losing altitude and crossing Corno Vecchio and Dosso dei Morti (2,183 m) in succession, until reaching Malga Avalina (1,975 m). From here, the Sentiero della Pace continues in a south-easterly direction, passing Dosso Brullo (1,760 m). Descending, we pass Forte Corno (1,100 m), built between 1883 and 1890, and Forte Larino (723 m), near Lardaro. Overnight stay is in one of the accommodation facilities in the Valle del Chiese.
- The stone monk at the Frate Pass
- The summit of (and view from) Monte Corona
- The Corno and Larino forts