At your disposal!
Taxi Campiglio di Zane Davide, based in Madonna di Campiglio for twentyyears, offers personalised transport services from all airports, train stations and directly from your home to your holiday destination. It has a very clean Merceder R class car for a comfortable and relaxing trip, to make it a trip to the destination of your holiday, on the snow in the winter season and to beautiful excursions along countless trails, lakes and fairytale landscapes in the summer season!
In addition, a spacious 9-seater Volkswagen 4×4 minivan is available for groups or families who wish to spend an alternative day visiting the cities of art or shopping in the city of fashion, Milan. Davide's kindness and courtesy make him a good travel companion and a support to count on also thanks to his great willingness to meet the needs of the customer.
David's availability and sympathy.