Die Chiesetta di S. Valentino am Ende des gleichnamigen Tals, eine Schatztruhe mit antiken Fresken von Dionisio, wurde für die "Krankheit der Tiere" erbaut, das heißt, um die Herden zu segnen, die sich auf den Weiden bewegten die reichen Weiden ringsum.
Die Fresken der Baschenis in der Kirche San Valentino
Kirche San ValentinoBuilt in the end of the fourteenth century, the little church is dedicated to San Valentino, martyr at the time of the Claudio Emperor. The present church is the rebuilding of an ancient chapel built for the protection of animals by Vigo, Darè and Villa people. The church has a little bell tower with the oldest bell of Giudicarie, dating back to the beginning of the fifteenth century. Inside there are many frescos by Simone Baschenis, portraying some saints and evangelists.
Andere Kirchen in Javrè mit Fresken der Baschenis
Die Baschenis in der Kirche Santa Maria Assunta
Santa Maria Assunta KircheIt is one of the oldest churches of the valley, built on a chapel of the year one thousand. It was painted by Simone Baschenis and it has a Romanesque thirty-five metres high bell tower. Inside there is one nave in refined stucco of the eighteenth century; there is a side altar with columns and one capital with a wooden crucifix. The high altar in white marble comes from Breguzzo, and behind it there is the Christ crucifix painted by Simone Baschenis.