San Vili Path – High itinerary

San Vili Path – High Itinerary title=

The HIGH itinerary of the San Vili path passes through mountain areas, with a greater difference in height than the LOW itinerary.

Length: 110 km. Walking: about 40 hours.

The path can be completed walking 5 days: we suggest you the first day to start from Madonna diCampiglio and to reach Pra de la Casa area (about 2 hours and a half), following an alternative pathinstead of the traditional San Vili path.The path, difficult for the hours of walking and the difference in height, can be “broken” andadapted to the needs of each walker, following two different ways in the mountains: from VigoRendena to Ragoli passing through Larzana and from Ranzo to Ciago passing through Margone.

Remember to do your Credential, the document of the Pilgrim during the Path.

It is important to take with you only useful, necessary, essential things: each thing has a weight. The ideal rucksack weighs between 5 and 7 kg, a little more in winter.

San Vili Path – High Itinerary

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