From the ground to the table.
The "Trisa" ancient wooden tool for mixing polenta is the emblem of this place. In the menu proposals, where polenta is the master, you can find assorted second courses of meat such as: stew, carne salada and fasoi, sausages and cured meats, polenta with "Spressa Fusa" or with sauerkraut and cotechino.
The first agritourism in the valley, La Trisa is managed with love by the Cosi family, which has always been involved in livestock farming; in 1994, organic productions began, starting with hay and ending with dairy products, yogurt and meat, strictly of the Rendena breed from the animals raised on the farm.
Dairy products and yogurt can be purchased at the farm shop.
The production of organic yogurt and the breeding of Slow Food Rendena cows.